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Save An Animal

If you’re interested in becoming a Rescue Partner, join our Foster Team, Volunteer, or Transport for Ruin Creek Animal Protection Society,  please fill out any of the forms below!

Become a Rescue Partner

    Rescue Application Form

    Please only fill this out if you are a rescue group. If you are looking to adopt please email RCAPS is a group that helps Vance County Animals at the Vance County Animal Kill Shelter connect to rescue groups.

    Fields marked with an * are required.

    Organization Name *

    Street Address *

    Street Address Line 2

    City *

    State/Province *

    Postal/Zip Code *

    Country *

    Email *

    Phone *

    Cell Phone



    Facebook Page

    PayPal address: (this is the only way we send the sponsorship funds raised for an animal to rescue. We are unable to send funds any other way than PayPal and we will not send funds any other way. Please be sure to put in your PayPal address. If you do not have PayPal this is a great way to have people donate money. Funds are usually sent out the Monday night after the main transport for that week) *

    Vet references. Please include at least two with contact and phone number. We will not be able to process the application if you do not include phone numbers. *

    Does your vet know you by your rescue name? If no, please explain. *

    If your rescue is foster based, please list at least two foster references. Please include name and phone number. We will not be able to process your application if you do not include phone numbers. *

    If foster based have you physically checked all foster homes? *

    Please attach your Foster Agreement *

    (gif/png/jpg/pdf types are accepted)

    What is the process for someone to adopt an animal from your rescue? *

    Has your organization had to euthanize any animals and if so, who and why? *

    What is the fee charged to adopters? *

    What is your annual operating budget? *

    Animal name/s your are interested in rescuing: *

    Please list your rescue's vetting and quarantine requirements (you will be responsible for any/all charges): *

    Join Our Foster Team

      Foster Application Form

      Please fill this out our Foster Application Form if you are interested in becoming a Foster.

      Ruin Creek Animal Protection Society of Henderson NC is not responsible and/or liable for any animal that is in foster care in terms of risk or liability. The approved foster assumes full responsibility and liability for the animal and the actions of that animal(s) and any and all risk is known and fully understood. Ruin Creek Creek Animal Protection Society of Henderson NC makes arrangements and schedules foster care for the animals, responsibility and liability belongs to the person(s) that have agreed to provide foster care for the animal(s). RCAPS fosters assume all risk. Homeowners Insurance and Personal Liability Insurance is something RCAPS recommends to each foster which is understood by agreeing and sign this adoption form.

      Volunteer for RCAPS

        Volunteer Application Form

        Please fill this out our Volunteer Application Form if you are interested in becoming a Volunteer. Must be 18 to apply or have parent permission.

        Fields marked with an * are required.

        Name *

        Street Address *

        Street Address Line 2

        City *

        State/Province *

        Postal/Zip Code *

        Country *

        Phone *

        Email *

        Birth Date *

        Must have parent signature at bottom of form if under the age of 18.

        Emergency Contact Name *

        Emergency Contact Relationship *

        Emergency Contact Phone *

        Reference personal or professional that can speak on behalf of you, and your work/experience/interest in helping animals. Please list name and phone number / email address. (If no number or email address is listed we will not be able to process your application)

        Area you would like to volunteer check all that apply *

        If checked other explain here:

        A lot of the volunteering done for our group is done via Facebook and the computer. Please give us the link to your Facebook page (if you are under the age of 13 please give us your parents Facebook page as they will need to find the best fit for you) and let us know how much time per week you are looking to volunteer. Also let us know what days and hours you are available either to volunteer on the computer or in person. *

        How many animals do you own? *

        Are all the animals in your home spayed or neutered? *

        If you are applying to foster please list name and number of current vet. If you are not applying to foster write not fostering in the box. *

        List any and all allergies *

        Have you ever surrendered an animal to a shelter or rescue group? *

        If yes to above question please explain.

        Upon becoming approved to volunteer with RCAPS you become a representative of RCAPS and its members. When acting as an RCAPS representative it is expected that you will act in a mature and responsible way. As an RCAPS volunteer you will refrain from public criticism of participants or other volunteers. RCAPS representatives will refrain from the use of profane, insulting, harassing or otherwise offensive language while volunteering. RCAPS believes that all animals deserve to live and be given the chance to live. RCAPS believes that no healthy animal under any circumstances should be put down / killed. RCAPS believes that no animal should EVER be surrendered to a kill shelter. RCAPS believes that there are no reasons to breed cats/dogs and people should adopt not shop. RCAPS does not do adoptions (unless under extenuating circumstances) and is not a rescue group. RCAPS does its best to find rescue groups that can help the animals at our local Vance County Shelter. We offer free transport to approved rescue groups from NC-NJ. RCAPS is not completely a volunteer organization but depends very much on volunteers to operate. RCAPS is 501c3 approved which means all donations are tax deductible.

        Liability Waiver

        By submitting this form I herby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Ruin Creek Animal Protection Society of Henderson, it’s agents, Board of Directors, and the County of Vance from any and all liability arising of or in consequence of, or injury sustained as a result of any activity connected with myself or my child(ren) volunteering for Ruin Creek Animal Protection Society of Henderson.

        By submitting this form I am stating that I have not been convicted of possession and/or intent to sell any illegal drugs nor have I been convicted of assault, abuse, neglect and or battery towards an animal or person. I am aware that the North Carolina Court site will be accessed to determine my eligibility.

        Consent for Minor

        By submitting this form I am agreeing that I am 18 years of age or older or have parental consent to volunteer for Ruin Creek Animal Protection Society of Henderson. If under age 18 I understand that I must have parent/guardian/responsible adult with me at all times while volunteering. RCAPS volunteers will not be responsible for or supervising children under 18. All parents/guardians/responsible adults supervising minor volunteers must sign this form and fill out their own application.

        Please allow 1 week for your application to be processed. Thank You.

        By signing and submitting below you are stating that you have read and agree with all items above.

        Print Name *

        Transport for RCAPS

          Volunteer Transport Application Form

          Please fill this out our Volunteer Transport Application Form if you are interested in becoming a Volunteer for Transport.

          Fields marked with an * are required.

          Name *

          Street Address *

          Street Address Line 2

          City *

          State/Province *

          Postal/Zip Code *

          Country *

          Phone *

          Email *

          Any person that volunteers to transport animals either long or short distances for Ruin Creek Animal Protection Society (RCAPS) does so at their own expense and liability. Any fees for gas, tolls and any items needed to transport (crate, puppy pads, newspaper, water, water bowl, etc. ) will be provided by and paid for by the volunteer transporting and not RCAPS. If any damage occurs during transport of the animal to either the person transporting or to the vehicle or personal property of the person transporting it will not be the responsibility of RCAPS to fix/pay for the damage this will fall on the person transporting.

          By submitting this form I herby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Ruin Creek Animal Protection Society, it’s agents, Board of Directors, and the County of Vance from any and all liability arising of or in consequence of, or injury sustained as a result of any activity connected with myself or my child(ren) volunteering for Ruin Creek Animal Protection Society of Henderson.

          By submitting this form I am stating that I have not been convicted of possession and/or intent to sell any illegal drugs nor have I been convicted of assault, abuse, neglect and or battery towards an animal or person. I am aware that the North Carolina Court site will be access to determine my eligibility.

          Print Name *